What's New at Kids SPOT
We've had a busy few months at Kids SPOT!
October: We had our Not-So-Haunted House and trick or treat event. We had so much fun decorating the clinic, having a door decorating contest, and dressing up for spirit week! It was great getting to spend time and play games with our Kids SPOT families and friends during the event. It was a huge success!
November: This month we welcomed our newest coworker, Theo the Therapy Dog! Theo helps with emotional regulation, daily living skills, and acts as a fun reward for our Kids SPOT kids! He loves when patients come to read him books, tie shoes, or practice animal walks like beat crawls!
It was our 4th Annual Thanksgiving Meal Giveaway this year. We had our biggest year yet and were able to provide 110 families with a Thanksgiving dinner. Do you think ham or turkey is more popular? For our families and friends it was ham! This month we also enjoyed a Friendsgiving lunch with our staff, and took time to let our staff, patients, and families know how much we appreciate them!
December: We've been feeling jolly all month!
This month we gave out winter coats to over 270 kids!
We had our first Toy Drive! It was a huge success, and we loved seeing Kids SPOT parents "shop" for Christmas. We can't thank the local businesses who helped us collect toys enough!
We are ready for the new year, and we know 2025 has lot's of big things in store for us. Interested in what's next for Kids SPOT? Just look Rogers!
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
May is Speech and Hearing Month! This month we will focus on our Speech Therapists and the amazing work they do!
Did you know Kids SPOT has a Feeding Therapy Lab? We have a kitchen and dining room focused on creating a space perfect for sharing meals, trying new foods, and learning with friends!
Have you heard of AAC? Augmentative and Alternative Communication! Our AAC Team help patients and families identify the right fit speech generating device(SGD) through trials and evaluation. We love seeing communication increase with access to AAC and the incredible work our AAC team does!
This month, as part of our celebration of Speech and Hearing Month, our Speech Therapy Team will be conducting free hearing screenings during the week of May 20th-24th. Let your child's therapist know if you are interested in a hearing screening!
upcoming events
It's Grand Opening time! Our Grand Opening Celebration is Saturday, April 27th, from 9am-11am. Please join us for clinic tours, breakfast refreshments, a bounce house, and a fire truck! We know it will be a blast!
Our Community Partners Open House is Friday, April 26th, from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Please stop by for a tour!
April is Occupation Therapy Month! We will be celebrating our incredible OTs and the awesome things they do throughout the month! Follow along on our social media for more!
Did you know Occupational Therapy focuses on so many things? Social skills, education, play, rest and sleep, activities of daily living--such as cooking, cleaning, and hygiene sklls--and so much more! We agree: the name "occupational therapy" can be confusing! Kids don't work! But here is a cool secret any pediatric occupational therapist will tell you: PLAY is a child's occupational, and they want to make sure your child will do it well!
Thank you to all the amazing Occupational Therapists in the world! We think you're GREAT!
Upcoming Events
Our new address is 724 Deaver Street, Springdale, Arkansas 72764!
This month we will have our Easter Egg Hunt and a Spring Break Spirit Week!
Follow our social media to learn more about our upcoming events, check out pictures of our new location, and learn about community events!
Upcoming Events
Will you be our Valentine?
This month we will be celebrating Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, and President's Day! Stay tuned for cute crafts with our Occupational Therapy department!
We wanted to share some Teletherapy Tips! The weather this winter has been cold, icy, and snowy and we want you to be prepared for teletherapy with your therapist! Check out these awesome tips, and as always: call our office if you have questions or need help with teletherapy and Zoom!
Stay tuned for updates on our moving date!
Upcoming Events
Brrrrrr! January gave us a chilly start to the year!
This month we will be closed on January 1st for New Years Day.
We are so excited to announce that we will be moving into our new location in February. We are working on the finishing touches of the building and can't wait to make the move! Our office will contact families to let them know about moving dates and when services will begin at our Deaver Street office.
While we will miss our current location and the memories we have made here, we can't wait to continue growing and creating new traditions in our new location!
What will you miss most about our Blair location? What are you most excited about for our new building? Let us know!
Upcoming Events
October, November, and December are busy months for Kids SPOT!
October was full of fun leaf crafts and preparing for our Not So Spooky Haunted House and Trick or Treat event. Our event was a huge success, despite the cold weather! We saw over 100 trick-or-treaters, handed out 5500 pieces of candy, and had the most fun with old and new friends!
This November we are holding our 4th Annual Thanksgiving Meal Giveaway. We are giving 85 Kids SPOT families a full Thanksgiving meal with their choice of turkey or ham! A special thank you to some of our community partners who help us support our families:
Keep It Cool Mobile Refrigeration met us at Sam's Club and helped us load up the refrigerated trailer with turkeys and hams!
Springdale High School's Medical Academy students volunteered to sort and pack all our canned and boxed items for the meal giveaway!
Our staff and family members who donate to help us! We appreciate your support!
We are having so much fun this December!
December 4-8 we had a Winter Wonderland at the clinic. Snow ball fights between OT, PT, and Speech were so fun and we made so many winter crafts!
December 11-15 was Pajama Week! We were comfy and cozy during our therapy!
December 18-22 is our Polar Party Week! More snowball fights are on the way, and we are encouraging all our friends to bring their favorite stuffed animal to therapy to join in on the fun!
During the month of December we will also be giving out 180 coats to Kids SPOT kids and their siblings who have signed up for our Annual Winter Coat Giveaway.
We will be closed December 25th and 26 for Christmas.
We will be closed January 1st for New Years.
It's time to Renew your Medicaid!
Call 1-844-872-2660
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Upcoming Events
We are counting own the days until fall! Are you ready for pumpkin spice and changing leaves?
The clinic will be closed on Monday, 9/4, for Labor Day!
Here are some upcoming events in Downtown Springdale:
Saturday 9/16 Free Event: Monarch Flight Festival
Saturday 9/23 First Day of Fall
Thursday 9/28 Live! at Turnbow Park: Branjae R&B Music
Starting October 1, 2023, we are requesting parents check-in inside! Drop off and pick up will be at the front desk. We are so excited to see you again!
It's time to Renew your Medicaid!
Call 1-844-872-2660
Go to
Upcoming Events
August is here! Are you ready for school? Celebrate the return to school with our Back to School Spirit Week!
8/7-8/11 Back to School Spirit Week
Monday 8/7 Animal Day
Tuesday 8/8 Tropical/Hawaiian Day
Wednesday 8/9 Sports Day
Thursday 8/10 Super Hero Day
Friday 8/11 Hat Day
During the week of 8/7-8/11 we will be giving out 10 backpacks full of school supplies to some awesome Kids SPOT Kids!
Are you in need of some new clothes for the school year? We're hosting a clothing giveaway on Friday 8/11!
Kids SPOT Clothing Giveaway
FREE gently used clothes available 9am-4pm
Open to the community!
Other Community Events:
Tax Free Weekend is 8/5-8/6!
Monday 8/14 School Starts!
Thursday 8/31 Live! atTurnbow Park Music Fayetteville Jazz Collective
It's time to Renew your Medicaid!
Call 1-844-872-2660
Go to
Upcoming Events
July is packed full of Kids SPOT Day Camp, fun and free community events, and the 4th of July!
Remember, we will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th!
Interested in Kids SPOT Day Camp? We still have spots available! Call our office to learn more!
Other Community Events:
Wednesday 7/26 Bike Races Downtown
Thursday 7/27 Live Music at Turnbow Park
Shaun Munday & Carver Commodore
It's time to Renew your Medicaid!
Call 1-844-872-2660
Go to
Upcoming Events
May is Better Speech and Hearing Month! This month we will be highlighting the amazing work our Speech Team does!
From May 15th through May 19th our Speech Therapists will be providing FREE hearing screenings! Let your therapist know if you have any concerns about your child's hearing!
Other Community Events:
Thursday 5/25 Live at Turnbow Park-Free Family Friendly Music
Friday 5/26 Last Day of School!
Monday 5/29 Memorial Day CLINIC CLOSED
Wednesday 5/31 Bike Races Downtown
It's time to Renew your Medicaid!
Call 1-844-872-2660
Go to
upcoming events
April is Occupational Therapy Month! Our OT Team will be hosting some super fun Minute to Win It Challenge games all month long!
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be at Murphy Park, by the Springdale Library, this year. Come join us on Saturday, April 8th from 11:30am to 1:00pm for a HUGE Easter Egg hunt! We will also have a lunch of hot dogs and chips provided! Remember, adults must accompany their children at this event.
Please remember to update your information with Medicaid. It is time to renew!
Go to to update your information so you don't lose your Medicaid benefits!
Upcoming Events
Be on the look out for our new Kids SPOT Calendars! We will send home updated calendars each month full of our Kids SPOT events, activities, and other important dates.
Important Upcoming Dates:
3/1 Springdale Schools Kindergarten Enrollment Begins
Enroll at
3/17 St. Patricks Day
3/20-3/24 Springdale Schools Spring Break*
*Clinic will be open during Spring Break*
Spring Break Spirit Week
Monday 3/20 Super Hero Day
Tuesday 3/21 Tropical Tuesday
Wednesday 3/22 Wacky Wednesday
Thursday 3/23 Sports Day
Friday 3/24 Hat Day
2022 mentor of the year!
Congratulations to our Clinical Director of Speech, Alyson Rawlings! Alyson is the 2022 University of Arkansas Communication Sciences and Disorders Mentor of the Year! We are so proud of Alyson and the hard work she does to support our speech therapists, our interns, and our Kids SPOT Kids!